Colonizing the Moon
The primary focus of NASA's-- manned space program-- should be the pioneering and colonization of the rest of the solar system. That means building the space transportation and habitat infrastructure...
View ArticleFunding NASA's Future
by Marcel F. WilliamsThe Augustine Commission testified before the Senate and the House of Representatives last week and were greeted with both praise and criticism by some of the legislators....
View ArticleAres vs the Sidemount and the Augustine Commission
During Space Shuttle manager John Shannon's presentation of the Side-mount Shuttle (SD-HLV) concept to the Augustine Committee, he showed the committee figures that indicated that a SD-HLV with an EDS...
View ArticleThe Road: A Storm Warning for Humanity
"It is important for the human race to spread out into space for the survival of the species," Stephen HawkingThere is no film that illustrates the foolishness of confining human civilization solely to...
View ArticleObama campaigned for the war in Afghanistan
Obama campaigned against the war in Iraq and for the 'just war' in Afghanistan.The idea that Al Queda will just leave us alone, if we leave them alone is just naive! These are crazy right wing...
View ArticleHow a 'Real' Public Option Could Reduce Deficits, Create Jobs, & Save the US...
America has the best hospitals, physicians, nurses, and medical technicians in the world! Unfortunately, the US also has the worst health insurance system of any first world country on the planet! And...
View ArticleThe Future of America's Space Program
by Marcel F. Williams The US manned space program is the ultimate symbol of American progress and technological prominence. Unfortunately, the US is rapidly approaching a situation where Americans may...
View ArticleI don't belong to any organized party!
I don't belong to any organized party- I'm a Democrat!Will Rogers (1935)Obama and the Democratic party have somehow managed to snatch defeat out of last year's victory. What a surprise!
View ArticleSpace Commercialization and the Lunar Lotto
by Marcel F. Williams First of all, I applaud the Obama administration budget for providing $1.2 billion in annual funds over the next 5 years for the development of private commercial manned access to...
View ArticleHow Should Congress Respond to Obama's Manned Spaceflight Budget?
by Marcel F. WilliamsThe Constellation program was supposed to return America to the Moon-- to stay! But in the words of President Barak Obama on April 15 "Now, I understand that some believe that we...
View ArticleWhy We Don't Need Oil
by Marcel F. WilliamsIn the President's speech last night about the BP Gulf Coast environmental crisis and the petroleum industry, he said the following:"I am happy to look at other ideas and...
View ArticleConquering Cis-Lunar Space with Shuttle and ULA Technology
by Marcel F. WilliamsThe US Senate has now made it clear that they want the immediate development of a heavy lift vehicle and a crew exploratory vehicle capable of beyond LEO missions and as a back up...
View ArticleDeveloping New Crew Launch Vehicles for NASA
by Marcel F. WilliamsWith the end of the Space Shuttle era, there has been much focus on the emerging commercial crew industry in America with the hope that these vehicles will be ready to transport...
View ArticleEvidence of Cerebral Reorganization in the Skull of a Seven Million Year Old...
During the 82nd annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists on April 2 of 2013, an international group of scientist presented strong evidence that the 7 million year old...
View ArticleThe Future of NASA & the Commercial Crew Program
The ruling oligarchy in China is currently using both capitalism and big government in order to economically dominate the world and the new frontiers of space. In the US, on the other hand, many in...
View ArticleWas the Swamp Ape Bipedal?
Tuscany is renowned for its beautiful cities of Florence and Siena, and is historically famous as the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance. But amongst the paleontological community, Tuscany is also...
View ArticleCase for a New Lunar Lander
In 2009, President Obama inherited an annual manned spaceflight related budget from the previous administration of approximately $8.4 billion. Approximately $3 billion was for operating the Space...
View ArticleOcean Nuclear Synfuel Production
Land based commercial nuclear power is the safest form of electricity production ever created. No one died as the result of radiation exposure at the Fukushima nuclear facilities in Japan-- despite...
View ArticleReplacing the ISS
With Russia threatening to end its participation in the International Space Station (ISS) program and possibly even removing one of its major components from the orbiting space station after 2020, some...
View ArticleMars, Radiation, and the New Frontier
The average woman on Earth is born with an approximately 38% chance of developing cancer sometime in her lifetime. And the average man is born on our planet with about a 44% chance of developing...
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